Jun 18, 2018
How do you define "Market Research"? What about "Marketing Research"? Are they the same...or meaningfully different? Using 4 definitions from published sources, let's take a look and decide for ourselves. In this episode, Kathryn uses examples related to product positioning and customer loyalty to see which phrase...
Jun 11, 2018
Ready to add a new market research methodology to your toolchest? Mobile ethnography is an option for scalable qualitative research. Using a recent case study, Kathryn reviews the key benefits. Also, Happy Anniversary! We celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the Conversations series with a gift for our fans.
Jun 4, 2018
4 clues that your clients are bored with the market research they are receiving, and how to proactively manage them to mitigate this risk. Bored clients won't use your research. And are unlikely to become raving fans of research in general, or the researcher with whom they have worked. Don't let this happen to...