Oct 30, 2017
These days we seem to find "insights" everywhere, it is defining what we do in the market research field, but, do we all have a common definition for it? let's get down the conversation about it.
Oct 23, 2017
What's hot in survey research? Appending survey data with additional data. Appending a data file with more variables creates lots of data analysis opportunities. Learn more here.
Oct 16, 2017
Secondary data can often amp up the quality of your market research work. And today, there are lots of secondary data sources. Learn more here!
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Oct 9, 2017
While bias can be introduced during a research project, there’s another source of bias that comes earlier: bias that comes from the methodology and data sources that we use. Before we actually start a research project are we being biased in what methods we choose? Listen here for a great option for choosing the best...
Oct 2, 2017
All market research and customer insights projects ultimately fall into one or more of these categories: Discover, experiment, measure, predict. Within each one, there are 5+ specific data sources and research methods you can use. Listen here to amp up your data analysis and customer insights projects.
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