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Conversations for Research Rockstars

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Inside every market researcher, is a Research Rockstar.


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Aug 28, 2017

Description: I love a great focus group, but sometimes there is no time or budget for focus groups as a Phase 1 prior to a survey research Phase 2? Social media research can be the solution.

Aug 21, 2017

How do we make sure our research reports really resonate with clients? One fundamental strategy is to use language that clearly connects market research data to business activities.  In this conversation, you'll hear tips and thoughts about how to present your results in a way that speaks your clients language.

Aug 14, 2017

There are many sources of data these days, each with its own pros and cons. So who is going to be the lead on helping organizations harness the power of various types of data? According to Gartner and IDC, it will be the Chief Data Officer.

Aug 14, 2017

Big news! Announcing a 10-episode podcast on advancing the market research, customer insights and related professions. Listen for details! Is this a podcast you would find valuable? If so, be sure to subscribe on iTunes.