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Conversations for Research Rockstars

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Inside every market researcher, is a Research Rockstar.


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Nov 30, 2021

Please enjoy this conversation with Kathryn Korostoff and Jeffrey Henning as they tackle the question, “What did we learn (about our own skill/knowledge needs) in 2021 that we should leverage as we plan for 2022?”  As Market Research & Insights professionals, what do we need to know to be effective in 2022?

And what...

Nov 23, 2021

The Work from Home (WFH) phenomenon has impacted Market Researchers from two very different angles: first as employees/workers ourselves, and second as research methodologists. In this episode, the discussion tackles both:

  • What does ongoing full or partial WFH mean for our profession, our teams, our collaborations, our...

Nov 9, 2021

Welcome to Part 2 of our 4-part series: Prepping Your Market Research & Insights Team for 2022.

As Market Research & Insights professionals, what did we learn in 2021 that we should leverage as we plan for 2022? Part 2 of our series focusses on the question: “What did we learn about improving survey data quality in...

Nov 2, 2021

Welcome to Part 1 of a 4-part series: Prepping Your Market Research & Insights Team for 2022. What did we learn in 2021 that we should leverage as we plan for 2022? Part 1 focusses on the question: “What did we learn in 2021 about research methodology choices that we should leverage as we plan for 2022?”   Hosted by...