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Conversations for Research Rockstars

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Inside every market researcher, is a Research Rockstar.


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Nov 19, 2018

A fundamental skill for all market research & insights professionals is the ability to develop and document hypotheses. We are in a field that seeks to help clients objectively understand customer attitudes and behaviors. This type of exploration requires precise thinking in order to select the right methods. And the...

Nov 5, 2018

Question: With all the focus on big data, what is happening with qualitative research demand? Answer: An interest in deep-dive qual. Data-centric organizations are still embracing qual, but when they do it, they want it to be rigorous, to go past the surface. And that often means ethnography.

Anecdotally, I have seen...

Nov 5, 2018

"Sure, big data tells you what consumers do, but you need market research to find out the WHY."

It’s a common statement these days. But is it factually accurate? Or is it a self-soothing platitude for those of us in the market research & insights professions? Factually, what are the best options for finding out the...